Our Identity
Our Identity
We strive to do this through various ministries, training, prayer, teaching, evangelism, church planting, networking, conferences, counseling, mentoring, and discipleship. We seek to unite with all believers around the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God from various streams, denominations, traditions, styles and philosophies of ministry. We put our doctrinal and philosophical differences and styles aside to unite around something much bigger than ourselves and our own local church and ministries – the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. We long for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our day and to see an awakened and empowered army of saints making disciples of all nations. To this aim, by God’s grace, we seek to build God’s Kingdom on Earth and to see His will be done. If you’re interested in finding out more information about our church or any of our ministries or getting involved in partnering with them, please visit the links on this website to find out more about them. The five ministries we offer are centered around the five-fold ministry gifts outlined in Ephesians 4:7-16. New England Awakening Network is centered around the apostolic gift, Wholly Holy Ministries is centered around the prophet gift (like John the Baptist had as he preached “repent or perish”), New England for Christ Ministries is centered around the evangelistic gift, the Awakening Church is centered around the pastor gift, and the Awakening School of Ministry is centered around the teacher gift. We believe these five-fold gifts operating in these ministries will help us reach our goal “to attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ… to grow up in all aspects into Him (Jesus)… and the building up of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:13, 15-16).
We welcome all Christians from various denominations, nationalities, traditions, ages, styles, philosophies, backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to come and visit. We are a non or inter-denominational church meaning we want all denominations to feel welcome to visit us and if led by God, to join our family. We are a Christian church, meaning we are a local church comprised of followers of Jesus Christ. We would rather stay away from using labels because they have a tendency to divide the body of Jesus Christ. However, we do realize that labels are helpful and sometimes even necessary to help clarify and identify what particular local churches are passionate about and what they value and believe.
We are an “Evangelical” church in that we are conservative (for more information click on “Our Doctrine”) in our theology and our interpretation of the inspired, inerrant (totally free from error), and infallible word of God (the Bible), and we are passionate in fulfilling the great commission by making disciples of all nations. We are also a “Spirit-filled” or “Spirit-empowered” church in that we believe in the necessity of the continual filling of the Holy Spirit for effective power for witness, service, and ministry to God and one another. We believe in the practice of all the spiritual gifts and believe that God still performs miracles today (such as healing the sick and casting out demons). If you are a “Pentecostal”, a “Charismatic”, or an “Evangelical” believer, you will feel right at home. We seek to combine the best of all three and unite together around the essentials, and agree to disagree agreeably in unity and love around the non-essentials that have been open to debate throughout church history and often have divided the three camps (for what we believe to be the essentials in biblical doctrine, read our statement of faith by clicking on “Our Doctrine”). We long to see the balance of the Word and the Spirit and to see both the Word proclaimed and the works of Jesus (His miracles and fruit) take place. We are “empowered Evangelicals.” Like the Pentecostals, we desire a Pentecost-like experience today where we are filled and baptized fresh and anew with the Holy Spirit. Like the Charismatics, we eagerly desire spiritual gifts (see 1 Corinthians 14:1) and to put them into practice and to move in signs and wonders. And like the Evangelicals, we unapologetically hold to sound biblical doctrine and emphasize the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom and fulfilling the great commission of world missions.
We believe that the local church should be self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating. Although we are not a denomination, the overseers and elders of the Awakening Church do keep one another accountable and are there to offer support and wisdom to one another as they seek to lead the church together as a team. They are also assisted by deacons. We also want all people from whatever religious background or who might not have any particular belief or even no belief in God, to visit our church services. Come with an open heart and ask God to prove Himself to you and He will. God loves you and created you to know Him and have a relationship with Him. God desires all to be saved and to come to know His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We would love to hear about your experience with us and if you have any questions feel free to talk to one of the leaders. If we can be of any help or service to you, please let us know.
The aim of our church services is to first and foremost worship God and to give glory to Him. Second, we seek to encounter God’s manifest presence and power and see His Kingdom and will advance on Earth so that we will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Third, we seek to use our spiritual gifts to love and serve one another as we gather together. We seek to encourage, comfort, and build one another up in the Lord. We are very passionate about authentic community, and we believe that we are called to do life together and not in isolation. We long to grow spiritually and live holy lives in obedience to God in all that we do so that we become mature disciples of Jesus.
Our Leadership Team
Matthew deherrera
theresa kendall
priscilla weaver
“If God is for us, who can be against us”?