Our Identity
Awakening International Ministries
Our Identity
We strive to do this through various ministries, training, prayer, teaching, evangelism, church planting, networking, conferences, counseling, mentoring, and discipleship. We seek to unite with all believers around the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God from various streams, denominations, traditions, styles and philosophies of ministry. We put our doctrinal and philosophical differences and styles aside to unite around something much bigger than ourselves and our own local church and ministries – Jesus and revival. We long for another outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our day and to see an awakened and empowered army of saints making disciples of all nations. To this aim by God’s grace we seek to build God’s Kingdom on Earth and to see His will be done. If you’re interested in finding out more information on any of our ministries or getting involved in partnering with them, please visit the links on this website to find out more about them. The five ministries we offer are centered around the five fold ministry gifts outlined in Ephesians 4:7-16. The Awakening International Ministries Network is centered around the apostolic gift, the Wholly Holy Ministries is centered around the prophet gift (like John the Baptist had as he preached “repent or perish”), New England for Christ Ministries is centered around the evangelistic gift, the Awakening Church is centered around the pastor gift, and the Awakening School of Ministry is centered around the teacher gift. We believe these five fold gifts operating in these ministries will help us reach our goal of attaining the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God so we become mature and grow up in all aspects into Christ and are built up in love.”
Our Team
Matthew deherrera
theresa kendall
priscilla weaver
“If God is for us, who can be against us”?