About Us

     The Awakening School of Ministry is designed for all those who are hungry and thirsty for God and the truth of His Word. We seek to offer a quality Bible education at an affordable price. This school is designed for all who want to go deeper into the Holy Scriptures and know how to rightly interpret, understand, believe, and apply it in their everyday lives.

     This school is designed for the spiritually hungry and thirsty and for those who are looking to understand Scriptures from a Spirit-filled and Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom centered lens. Our goal is to fully equip and train all Christians to be effective Spirit-filled ministers and missionaries who will go and declare and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom to a lost world. We aim to help students grow closer in intimacy with God so that they not only know about God but also know God personally.


To be a training school for those who desire to be like Jesus in ministry, maturity, and missions in the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power. We help equip people for ministry, maturity, and missions so that we can give, grow, and go for Jesus in Kingdom authority. To minister is simply to serve. We seek to train people to be servants of God’s Kingdom and to advance and build this spiritual Kingdom on earth. The greatest leader is to be the greatest servant. We teach how to serve and lead biblically and like Jesus. We help people to recognize and be equipped in their spiritual gifts so that they can serve the body of Christ and lead people to Jesus. We also help people to grow in Jesus so that they can be mature and live holy and righteous lives. Our goal is to equip students to be Christlike and to have pure hearts. Integrity and pure character are often rare today but it should be the norm for every follower of Jesus. We then aim to send the students to the nations as missionaries equipped with a quality theological education and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the works of Jesus. It is not enough to declare the Gospel of Jesus; we must also demonstrate the Gospel with signs and wonders following our declaration confirming the Word of God (Mark 16:15-20).


We long to experience a spiritual awakening and revival in our hearts and to be awakeners who awaken that spiritual fire in other’s hearts. The goal of this training school is that we all experience a spiritual awakening and revival in our hearts and lives. We need to be spiritually awakened and alive in our hearts so that the world can see our love for Jesus and people. They need to see students who not only love the Scriptures and truth but most importantly, who also love the God of the Scriptures and of truth. They need to see people who are all in for Jesus living lives of reckless abandonment to the Lord. May the Lord raise up such a generation and army of souled out surrendered saints who will serve, trust, and obey God with all of their hearts no matter the personal cost or consequence. May this school accomplish this vision by the grace of God.



Nothing is scheduled currently


The certificate offered at the Awakening School of Ministry right now is the Biblical Studies Certificate. The classes are going to be taught by Pastor Chris Dubois.

Biblical Studies

OT Survey

NT Survey

Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology II

Systematic Theology III


Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Disciplines

Holy Living

Spiritual Awakening and Revival


The Law of God

The Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom

Kingdom Power

Spiritual Gifts

Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare

Divine Healing

Spiritual Authority

Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit

Bold Faith

Ministry Leadership

Public Speaking

Biblical Counseling

Evangelism and Missions



Getting Along in the Family of God


  • Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
  • Ethics
  • Church History
  • Book of Revelation
  • Book of Romans
  • Book of James
  • Finances
  • Dating
  • Marriage

The Awakening School of Ministry is:

  • Affordable – it is only $100.00 a class with no extra hidden costs (other than each student must purchase one book per class and pay a $50 registration fee per semester). This is much cheaper than the average cost of various schools and colleges worldwide. All people from various economic backgrounds can attend this ministry school.
  • Designed for all IQs and not just for high IQs – it is a quality education but communicated in a clear and understandable way. It is graded on a pass and fail basis and is based upon critical thinking, comprehension, and understanding of the material rather than mere busy work.
  • Designed for busy people – there is no homework, tests, quizzes, projects, long papers to write, multiple books to read, etc. All that is required to pass a class is faithfully attending classes, writing a short paper based upon comprehension and understanding of material presented, reading one book, and fulfilling the local church, devotional, ministry, and evangelism requirements.
  • Spirit-filled – the school is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in the classrooms and beyond. We seek to be a Spirit-empowered people. Our goal is to have people receive “knowledge on fire,” to balance both the Spirit and the Word.
  • Non-denominational – there is no one denomination and no secondary doctrine is pushed on people but rather simply presented. We are about unity and not uniformity. We believe in uniting around the essentials of the faith and agreeing to disagree on secondary matters of the faith.
  • Evangelical – we are passionate about the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations and proclaiming the Gospel.
  • Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom centered – everything in the Awakening School of Ministry is centered upon the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom. The cross of Christ is central and we seek first the Kingdom of God.
  • Love is supreme – we seek above all to fulfill the first and second Greatest Commandments of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and also loving our neighbor as ourselves.
  • It is practical – we seek to balance the theoretical with the practical and hands-on approach by having students get involved in ministry while attending the Awakening School of Ministry. This school trains students for real life ministry. We believe that it is not enough to just have head knowledge, but rather the information taught must be applied in ministry. We seek to not only minister to the head, but also the hands.

It is transformational – it is not just theoretical or practical, but also transformational. We are a school designed for the spiritually hungry and thirsty soul who wants to not only know about God, but to know God personally and intimately. We want the whole person – body, soul, and spirit – to be wholly transformed and whole like Jesus. We seek to not only minister to the head, but also to the heart. We want to influence the students toward a deeper intimacy with their loving and holy Heavenly Father and help them to become Christlike, holy, and righteous in all of their behavior.

Class Schedules – to sign up, please contact Chris Dubois who will be teaching the classes by emailing him at tac.dover.nh@gmail.com.

Systematic Theology I










Old Testament Survey